Never Wear Glasses Again

Are you tired of your daily contact routine? Do your glasses seem to keep getting in the way? Has it been years of bad vision or repetitive doctor’s appointments? Maybe, it’s cataracts? 

If you want the option to never wear glasses or contacts again, let’s talk about your options.  

LASIK surgery, as defined by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, is a kind of surgery that uses a laser to treat vision problems without the use of a blade. It fixes problems caused by refractive errors, which is when your eyes do not bend light properly.

Laser surgeries can also be used to treat cataracts, which comes naturally with age for many. Cataracts are a result of the natural lens in the eye beginning to cloud. The natural lens is clear and made up of water and proteins. As you age, these proteins start to clump together, causing the lens to become foggy, distorted and discolored.

At our office, we specialize in the newest technology in Laser Cataract Surgery and Intralase Blade-Free LASIK surgery. We utilize state-of-the-art procedures and technology while maintaining an environment of respect and understanding to create a truly personalized treatment plan. 

Laser-Cataract Surgery

Laser cataract surgery is the most advanced method of removing cataracts. Laser-assisted cataract surgery requires no blade. Before the surgery, your surgeon will create a detailed surgical plan by mapping out the cornea using an OCT (optical coherence tomography). Then, a femtosecond laser is used to create the incision in an extremely precise manner. To get to the cataract, your surgeon must perform a capsulotomy. A thin, clear capsule surrounds the eye’s lens. The front portion of the capsule needs to be removed to gain access to cataracts. This needs to be done without damaging the capsule. With Laser-Cataract Surgery, this is done with the laser instead of a blade.

After the capsulotomy, your surgeon will need to break up the cataract to make it easier to remove, which is best with a laser, compared to more traditional, blade using methods. Once the cataract is out, your surgeon will manually insert the new IOL through the incision.

LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery can best be described in three simple steps:

  1. Consultation: During this time, your surgeon will create a detailed map of your cornea. This gives them information on exactly how to reshape the cornea. WaveLight® technology makes the surgery more precise and outcomes more predictable.

  2. Corneal Flap: Your LASIK surgeon at Shanbom will use the femtosecond laser to create a thin, circular, hinged flap on the surface of the cornea. This flap will be peeled back to expose the inner layer of the cornea for treatment.

  3. Treatment: This is done using an excimer laser. The excimer laser is computer programmed with the map of your cornea and knows exactly where to treat. The excimer laser will remove microscopic amounts of corneal tissue in order to reshape the eye.

The only question left to ask is: Are you a candidate for LASIK surgery? Let’s chat today or you can take our at-home self-test here.